
31 Memes About APIs

by Astha Sharma on 2022-07-27

When you Google "API Memes" or "API Jokes" you get dozens of lists that have REST APIs you can use to generate memes or jokes.

So, we put together this list of some of the best memes about APIs we found across the interenet.

Enjoy & share with your coworkers!

If you want to learn more about what an API is, check out this article here!

  1. How to explain to people what you do for work
  2. Backend is cooks in the kitchen, frontend is tables of guest to eat, APIs are the servers
    Source: u/harsh5161

  3. My friends after listening to me complaining about APIs
  4. Caption of meme is: I don't know who Jason is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
    Source: u/The_Elemental_Master

  5. The most accurate API Guide out there
  6. Normal API Guide on how to use it and then on the bottom it says 'If you do things right, it can take people a while to realize that your 'API Documentation' is just instructions for how to look at your website
    Source: XKCD comics

  7. When your API asks you to inform yourself
  8. API Response says error execution error, please inform administarors. Bottom is concerned puppet with caption Me, the adminsitraor.
    Source: u/8sleef

  9. Client is angry because the APIs are slow. We found out why.
  10. The image shows a bunch of empty JSONs being the reason why the website was running slow
    Source: u/TheBrickSlayer

  11. The glue holding everything together
  12. 2 broken bikes are mended together in the middle that represents the REST API that connects the back-end and front-end code
    Source: Harsh Bardhan Mishra

  13. The worst code to see
  14. the server is passing a note to the client that says status code: 400, detail: Bad Request
    Source: Http Toolkit

  15. How could you, REST!
  16. Man is riding his bike and it says 'Im going to use unspecified JSON in my REST API' man falls and says 'F**KING REST'
    Source: @philsturgeon

  17. What does REST really stand for...
  18. Squinting guy meme saying 'Not sure if REST stands for relaxation'
    Source: BMC Blogs

  19. So, where's the punchline?
  20. User: GET server/api/v1/joke. Server: Why did the chicken cross the road? User: GET server/api/v1/Punchline Server: ... punchline to what?
    Source: u/ofsinope

  21. Just when Verison 1 finally started making sense...
  22. Man getting excited that he learned the version 1 of their API and don't need docs anymore. But then Boss comes in to say that there is version 2 coming out and they have to start from scratch
    Source: Github

  23. Goodbye REST API
  24. Friendship ended with rest api. Now graphql is my best friend.
    Source: Poorly indented memes

  25. JavaScript devs when they dont validate their api responses

  26. Source: u/Shrestha01

  27. The documentation is super intuitive, we do not need code examples for our api.
  28. Two pieces of bread standing on top of each other with cheese and meat in the middle
    Source: u/varun2710

  29. The pain behind developing an API
  30. Top panel has mouse doing piece sign that says 'Literally any HTTP error'. Bottom panel is mouse scared saying 'CORS errors'
    Source: u/percyuniverse

  31. Had to write some stuff with the Windows API...
  32. Top panel is Developer saying why cant you just be normal? Bottom panel has kid screaming that representings WIN32 API
    Source: u/HumpaLumpa007

  33. Real programmers read the API reference
  34. Gus Fring from Breaking Bad in a suit and looking serious with the caption: You watch video tutorials. I read the API reference. We are not the same
    Source: u/noneofyourearwax

  35. API Documentation
  36. Big brain meme that starts off with: organized doucmentaion and tutorials, just documentation, comments in the code itself, GitHub wiki, HOWTO.txt, a StackOverflow QA, r/ProgrammerHumor meme, r/programming Hey guys I maed this
    Source: u/DyingEcho

  37. How Backenders deliver API
  38. Backenders looking scared and freaked out dropping a baby (the API) to the frontend
    Source: u/janez567

  39. Who do you call when you lose your API key?
  40. Van that says API locksmiths
    Source: u/Baumy1

  41. Querying API's without reading documentation
  42. Chat of man saying' ass picture' to woman multiple times in a few hours
    Source: u/varun2710

  43. I think both of these are correct answers
  44. Twitter Engineering tweeted 'What does API stand for? Wrong answers only' and one user said 'Apps please integrate' and another said 'A Pointless Interaction'
    Source: @TwitterEng

  45. One of my worst fears
  46. Brain wakes you up by saying You commited the API keys to a public repo
    Source: Naina Chaturvedi

  47. Come on now, be realistic
  48. Girl telling Santa she wants a Dragon for Christmas. Santa says to be realisitic, so she says I want usable API dcoumentation. Santa says what color dragon do you want.
    Source: u/FinleyCodes

  49. Integrating old APIs with new services
  50. Left is closed elevator door, right is it opened and showing stairs
    Source: u/huellllllll

  51. When the API returns the data as XML instead of JSON
  52. Man scared and in the middle of a scream
    Source: u/programmer-racoon

  53. What kind of API is this?
  54. Guy that has a broken piece of something that says 'API' on it
    Source: u/BishopPear

  55. As long as the users are happy..
  56. Homer Simpson top panel is him looking slim and it represents API's front end, the bottom panel is all his fat clipped up and it says 'APIs Back End'
    Source: u/A-o-t-p

  57. No bugs if there are no docs
  58. API can't have a bug if there's no dcoumentation
    Source: Admin {coding}

  59. Am I a joke to you?" - REST API
  60. ME - GraphQL is super cool. Everyone should use it. I think it's gonna replace REST APIs. REST API - hand on hips looking annoyed
    Source: @abhagsain

  61. Instagram API documentation set Snoop Dogg's comment ID to 420
  62. The doc has the id to 420 for snoop dogg
    Source: u/RS-Halo